Tuesday, December 1, 2015


O wait I realize I brought this on myself. I could've waited to add hard drive space to the Linux partition. I could've just worked on the project itself instead of setting up all this software. I can walk away right now, and get back to my work. I'm just being stuck

Sitting here in the Virginia Tech library. Feeling so depressed. The students, the atmosphere, the administration. The way there could be so much liberty in a place of learning but nope the population is herded. Got to get out of here. 

Need to install Linux. I don't think I can recover my files. : ( .
Windows deleted the partition and set it as free space, while I was trying to shrink the partition to give more room for Linux. Linux was out of storage.

I thought Linux USB boot would work, but the computer wouldn't boot with the USB drive. Maybe there's too many other files on it? Maybe the drive got corrupted?

I lost my gloves, my waterbottle. : (
I lost the blog post I started in Linux.

The fact I'm spending all my time fixing my computer... fuck.

I'm probably going to lose these USB drives... I keep forgetting which one has what on it.

I have to have my headphones on full volume to block out the verbal AIDS of students.

My windows partition refuses to shrink, despite my attempts to delete unmovable system files like pagesys, hiberfile to defrag my partition.

Windows defrag takes its time analyzing, then says 0% fragmentation each time because its too lazy to do its job.

At least Radiohead gets it. AaaaAaaAAaaaa. LOL. Paranoid Android. God loves his children. Yeah.

No fucking WiFi. University ID required to login. Fuck you fucks. Fuck.

At least this place is 24 hr. I don't know if entry requires student ID. I'm feeling like it would. I got in when students were leaving the door was open so I'm not sure. 

I really don't need to do this Linux installation right now. The files are lost. 

So much stuff getting lost.

Well, at least it's things that can get lost. A water bottle can be replaced. Gloves are disposable. My Linux can be reinstalled. I've lost the files, but I can reinstall. It just takes WiFi and time. Which sucks, but I will have a cleaner system afterwards.

I thought coming to university would be a smart way to get WiFi late at night with power. But nope. No WiFi. It's not going to be easy to get set up somewhere long enough to do all this re-installing work.

I could study instead. Fuck I didn't bring a pen. OK, I could type notes on the laptop. My books are still on the drive. 

But this place is so AIDS I don't want to be here. Kids are talking, not doing work. Bunch of asians spam clicking their computer mice and telling each other how to play a noob video game. Some girls sitting silently and studying alone, but not learning anything.

I need a container to sort my USB drives. Good thing I have windows 7 install on one of the drives. That allowed me to reinstall windows after my laptop became unbootable. But fuck, where is that drive now? Either I dropped it in the car, or it's another thing lost.

Pass 1:0% Consolidated. Fucking Windows disk defragmenter. Doesn't want to do any work. Computers are so fail at the absurdliest stupid things. Every time I need to do something, I have to google '.... doesn't work' and wade through pages of useless experts requiring more information then providing a solution that doesn't do anything. Until I find someone who actually HAD the problem and knows what the asker is talking about, and without asking ANY additional information from the asker, tells him exactly how to fix the issue. Fuck, I'm salty tonight.

At least this music is good. I need to sleep soon. It's 1 am. Tomorrow I need to get my car state inspection, before I hop the border. But this problem is pissing me off, because I'm getting cock-blocked and it's not something I can fix by something I can do right now. The wise thing would be not to dwell on it, but I wanted to finish some work tonight, damnit. And this cockblocker of a Linux...

O wait I realize I brought this on myself. I could've waited to add hard drive space to the Linux partition. I could've just worked on the project itself instead of setting up all this software. I can walk away right now, and get back to my work. I'm just being stuck on stupid shit that I don't need to be. Well, that makes me feel better. That I had a choice to get into this poop, and so I have a choice to get out.

Whether my emotions are wise enough to make that choice, however...

brain: so, what do you say? let's cut our losses and fight another day?
emotions: Work stupid shit, damnit! 
brain: LOL.
emotions: fuck you. I'm salty.
brain: K. see ya tomorrow then, I'm outa here byeeeeee
emotions: I don't need you either. fuckety fuck fuck dee fuck.
brain: good luck with that
emotions: this is all your fault brain. now I have to deal with this crap
brain: meh. 
emotions: arrrrrrgh
brain: zzz zzz
emotions: ...
it's just me and you now, stupidity
stupidity: derrrrr um
emotions: fuck you

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