Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dream Diary

Dream log stardate: Tuesday 2016.12.22

there's this green faced guy. his face has been burned off, his skin is melting away. He's crawling on the ground, crawling forward without going anywhere. He asks, 'someone help me'.

This kind of fat, average looking Mexican guy wearing a white tee shirt and sneakers walks over to him. He stands over him, looking at him a bit.

It seems he will just look then walk away without doing anything to help. The burned man crawls underneath a van.

The Mexican says a quick prayer, like may God look over your soul. And with one unexpected stomp of his leg on the van's front tire, he crushes the the van onto the burned man's skull.

Instead of cracking open in a bloody mess, the burned man's face turns green and deflates. A noxious smell escapes from his head and all who are nearby flinch their noses away.

i'm following this wife beater, butcher looking guy with a heavy machine gun. he's gunfighting his way through a stairwell building. i pick up the guns his opponents drop, swapping one gun after another for a better one. He has a much better gun, and I'm picking up weapons preparing to be useful.

i do use my weapon. I fire some shots out of this UMP looking gun. I find out the gun is very cheaply constructed; it is made of plastic! WTF? The bullets don't go straight. I loot a better weapon, an assault rifle looking gun.

I've been so busy swapping guns that this time I neglect to ready the weapon. When I go to shoot, the trigger doesn't depress, because the safety is on! Butcher rambo is going forward, doing his own thing and taking care of business. I want to protect him, because following him is my way out of here.

we get to a hill overlook. there are patrol guards all over the place below. there are too many to fight. I want us to avoid them, but one of the guards spots me. He is a young boy and I see the frozen look of fear in his eyes and him wishing he hadn't seen me, that I wasn't there, when he looks up at me.

rambo gets caught, and escorted away by an entourage of guards around the Big Boss who is a metro-Prince alongside a spider-lady duchess. I'm being squeezed tight around my waist, and held up by a soldier. I have a pistol in my hand and I squeeze the trigger at the soldier but the weapon doesn't fire. I keep twisting my torso around to aim my pistol at his forehead and squeeze, but the trigger doesn't click. He is afraid of the gun, but keeps squeezing my waist and holding me up so I can't escape. Other soldiers are mocking me. They underestimate me. No one takes the gun away, because they laugh at how harmless I am, and want to send the message, see we beat you, even we let you have a loaded gun you couldn't escape!

The gun does go off! The grip around my waist weakens and falls away. I jog away. There is a battlefield of swordsmen killing each other, two opposite armies engaging in war. In their dying throes, the swordsmen swing their swords in a large arc over their prone bodies at the prone bodies of the enemy. They are lain in a field, like a wide flat furrow. I walk along the left side past the field, but their swords are close enough to slice me. I think it would be foolish to be killed from a dying swordsman's ineffectual last swing. So I climb the small mound surrounding the furrow field. I make my way past the battle, and come across the green faced burning man.

We're staying the night at a teenager friend's house. His parents own the house, but they aren't there tonight. His parents own many houses; it's like a vacation spot.  I think he calls it a 'landing site'.

I'm going to have sex with a girl on his couch. I'm maybe 19,20 she's 18, the friend is 18,19. Her young sister, under age of ten, is going to watch. The young sister is excited. She's not at all aware that this is inappropriate or that she should feel weird. 

I don't want her to watch, but she is so eager and acts normal about it. The friend has a younger sister, who watches when he has sex. She's not there tonight, because someone else is using the couch (me and a girl), not her brother. 

Well she already knows what we're doing, and she's seen it before and isn't offended, and she's not going to go away,. she would peek and look in some way some how, and in some bizzarro way this is normal to her, she would feel hurt and excluded if she wasn't present with her sister, if I said no both the girl and her little sister would be upset at me that I ruined their evening... so I drop my resistance to her sister being present. I felt like it was some coming-of-age thing that was very important to their culture, a bond between sisters and a mentoring from older sibling to younger that I didn't understand, that was taboo and perverse to by my cultural standards, but who am I to judge when it was to them completely normal, healthy, and wonderful as a bat mitzvah or something was to other cultures. I would have said no, if I felt they were being perverse within their own cultural standards, but this act forbidden by my standards was filled with wholesome family bonds to them. 

I was concerned that the friend's parents would find us in the morning, or wake up during the night and find out. But the friend told me what I said before, that his parents weren't there, that they had lots of 'landing sites' and it was normal for them to be at another place.

employer called after seeing my blog, said I could come into work on monday, like they were doing me a big favor and I would jump to accept the offer. I said no, i'm hundreds of miles away. He said, you have two days to drive, you can make it in time. I said it would cost me more money to drive back than you would pay me to work. I'm not going back.

Then they sent a helicopter with armed agents. A man in a suit pulled out from about 300 m away and started firing. I ducked and weaved and ran into the building where I found protection with the butcher rambo.

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