Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Are We Alone in the Universe?

Are we Alone?
LOL 'and other mysteries of space'...

Derr, no-wuh! We have a Polar Bar.

Ulix, the Polar Bar

I've decided to name him Ulix (You-Licks), short for Ulysses.

This National Geographic edition was pretty good. Tons of ridiculously Photoshop colored space images, but in high quality glossy paper. From cover to cover filled with Physics related questions about space, time, reality, and our understanding of the universe.

The answers were fairly useless, or misleading - one article said something like physicists are still trying to figure out why time is not a physical dimension like space - and I was like, that sounds like there's a team of physicists working round the clock to answer this question, but what Physics consortium begins with the bulletin: "So... did anybody figure out why time doesn't behave like space yet? No, nope, naw, no, not yet, unh unh, still working on it, wait I think I got it - you forgot to carry the one - nevermind."

The questions themselves were good though. The magazine encapsulated all the topics that inspired me as a teenager. If I could mail this magazine back through time to myself, I would buy a copy and fill the margins with explanations and notes. 

One of the ideas the article presented as a possible reality was infinite universes, the Multi-verse theory. Yeah (sarcasm), because infinity to the infinity, repeated infinitely many times... like that's not a problem. You would need at least that many infinities of reality states to create a Multi-verse. And what mathematical theory could you invent to deal with that much information, constantly being produced every femto-second by every one of these infinitely infinite universes? Sounds likely (/sarcasm).

Another theory was that we are all computer simulations in some other being's universe. Wow that explains everything, then! Except, wait no, how does this other being's universe work then... it must be ANOTHER simulation in yet another being's universe! Yeah, and every time we need to explain it further... woop... another simulation. But what about? Nope, it's another simulation. Yes, but - Simulation. I know, but - Simulation! A wizard did it!

The article pointed out that the rules of quantum mechanics were very similar to how computers are programmed as evidence to support this idea. LOL. Wow this universe just so happened after billions of years to invent the technology that created it! Astounding! And look, the universe behaves in the way the theory we created to explain it does. Hmm, how unlikely that would happen if we weren't programs ourselves! Dat logic tho. It's like looking through a fish lens and thinking that the world is a fishbowl. Of course things will look the way we observe them. God created man in his image, then man returned the favor.  
The line in an article I liked best was: "it makes sense if you think about it." LOL. No, the only things that make sense are the ones you don't think about. In middle school, one of my favorite friends said, "everything makes sense, if you just don't think about it!" My friend was very smart and he was wise beyond his age. It's true. Most of the thoughts we believe are ideas that we don't think about too much, or else they will stop making sense.

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