Thursday, December 3, 2015


Here's my idea that spins-off from the Build-a-Bear Workshop premise. Will it be a hit in shopping mall kiosks this year? Is 2016 the year of the Philosophy Fad? Would you like to purchase a custom philosophy for your spouse or loved one? (You see what I did there?)


A customized way of living.

You pick out statements you believe in / like.

Then the flowchart gives you options to branch out with other life-affirming statements.

"Treat others as you would yourself"
"Dignity in work"
"Always wash your hands after going to the bathroom" (not a very popular belief)

You can mix and match your own, but if there are incompatible statements, the computer gives you a "self-inconsistent" warning and prevents you from building.

You can turn this restriction off, but then your philosophy is invalid, hypocritical, illogical, spurious.

Then you print it out as a tree flow-chart diagram to visualize, clarify, remind, and enhance awareness of your core beliefs and guide you on how you should make choices / take action in difficult life decisions.

Only $9.99 base price. You can laminate it for an additional $1.99 to put on your refrigerator, in your cubicle at work, or in the swimming pool... the freedom is yours!

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