Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Travel journals

Monday, April 11th
Craters of the Moon National Park, Idaho.

Beautiful day. Drove an hour and a half from Idaho Falls to the Craters of the Moon. Kids drawings were displayed in front of the visitor's center. I found their Haiku's and descriptions hilarious.

I want to find this flower!
all my worries will be gone
it will be dancing...

so the Pika is a real aminal!
an incredible lazy and grumpy Pokemon
<3 mankyfwower
LOL dat paq wat!
The pack rat is a wascally wabbit!

When I started hiking it rained, but that seemed like a passing rain cloud that would be on its way. Then the rain turned to hail. We're under attack!!! I felt invincible, like Superman walking at a barrage of bullets.

Hiking audio

Oh yeah, and there were caves.

and the rest area a few miles out... whistled music when the wind blew through the gaps in the structures. I thought it was intentional man-made musical instrument set up somewhere... nope just the wind. sounded really cool.


  1. Whoa I didn't know there were such things in Idaho. Looks like you're on another planet. What's the geology story there?

  2. 16 million years ago, the hot spot underneath Yellowstone National Park was underneath the Craters of the Moon. Volcanic eruptions and lava flows produced the geography that exists today. The tectonic plate has moved at the rate of 2 inches a year, periodically erupting and producing calderas along the way to its current position underneath Yellowstone. Scientists say in the next few thousand years, another eruption is likely. The latest eruption was a few thousand years ago, so I have no idea why Yellowstone doesn't look like the Craters. Maybe we're just lucky... and Yellowstone will be Craters 2 in 5,000 A.D.


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