Friday, April 26, 2019

St. George, Utah

Snow Canyon

Scout's Cave Trail


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Lorentz Transformation Boost Calculator

Lorentz Transformation (Boost)

Four vector

X_(1,2,3,4) = (, , , )

Lorentz Boost in arbitrary direction

Boost direction vector (, , )

Normalized direction vector (, , )

Beta (Ratio of relative velocity to speed of light) = (between -1 and +1)

Gamma (Lorentz factor) =

Beta_(x,y,z) = (, , )

X_(1,2,3,4) = (, , ,

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Kanab, UT.

Squaw Trail

Five stars in fun! A squiggly up and down hike. Leads up to a wide view over the town of Kanab.
Great for running.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019