Tuesday, April 19, 2016


"I think if we lose our imagination, the world becomes a dull and pointless place."

Tuesday, April 19th
Bozeman, MT

Imagination turns an existential calamity into a nonsensical wonderland. 

Cooper Park near Montana State University
Bozeman, Montana

Take this tree wart for example:

Cures hiccups

Or this magic fountain on the third floor of the library:

Recycled out of pennies thrown into other fountains

Or Ulix:

'Hewwo Jonathan'

Or babies:

Or beautiful art on utility boxes:

Or "The Hammock District", down on Third:

Folk 'round here enjoy slinging their business hammocks outdoors.

Mary Ann's Hammocks
Swing Low Sweet Chariot

1 comment:

  1. Or the Panda Buffet. I wonder how many pandas were eating there.


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