Saturday, December 14, 2019

On self worth

Accept that you are a person with desires and emotions like everyone else.

You may not be like everyone else, but that doesn't mean you are more or less special,  superior or inferior.

Let go of an idea that no one understands you. You can be understood and you can evidence it by understanding others.

When you relate to other people and empathize, you become aware you are not isolated and alienated. You put yourself in solitude when you devalue other people and their feelings.

Do not feed on other people's positive esteem of you. Do not be ashamed by overt or implied criticism. Have your own valuations and trust your own judgement.

You have capabilities and deficiencies as anyone else. Neither the extent of these abilities nor external outcomes like victories or defeats detract from or augment your inherent worth.

(The succeeding description of manner, goals, and actions must not be contingent on harming the people, cruelty to animals, or destruction of natural environment you inhabit.)

You have inherent worth to live life, in a manner that suits you. You have a right to pursue what matters to you. You have a right to choose actions that make you proud and lead to happiness. Nothing and no one has moral justification to take these away.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Autohotkey Script


Inserts a timestamp with a hotkey or double right click


Press WIN key + Y to insert a timestamp
Double Right Click in certain apps for a popup button that inserts a timestamp

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Autohotkey Script


(Updated version of twitch_emotes.ahk)

Now stores hotstrings and emojis in an external database (.db) file. Can add custom emojis using a third-party database editor like DB Browser (

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Autohotkey Script



Type emojis easily.

What it does:

When you type "?" followed by a keyword, your text is automatically replaced by the corresponding emoji. Set it to run only in specific apps.


  • Automatically runs programs, clicks buttons, types keys.





