Thursday, April 7, 2016

Grand Teton National Park

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

Slept in my car the night before, in one of the wide parking lots along route 26 leading to the park. Most of the parking areas had signs saying "No overnight parking" but I found a large lot that said nothing.

Not that it mattered; I pulled in around midnight and only a few trucks passed by at night. But it kinda freaked me out when one trucker parked down the road, got out and walked around with his flashlight shining. I hugged Ulix. He called me a big wuss. I didn't care.

I could see the stars so clearly when I turned off all the lights. Orion was standing with both feet on the ground. I only ever get to see him high up in the sky in the city.

In the morning I drove into the park. Took some photos at Snake river overlook and *lol* played monopoly on my tablet for a few hours. The mountain was everywhere around me. I didn't know what to do with it.

Snake river overlook

The mountains are covered in snow right now, but there are trails along the ridges you can hike in the summer. I drove up to the Taggart Lake trailhead. I ran a three mile piece of the road to Jenny Lake and back. The Teton Park road is closed to vehicles until May, but the road is plowed and open for walking, biking. Lots of bicyclists today.

Lake Jenny camp area

When I got to the lake, a trio of environmental scientists were returning from a core sampling expedition. They traveled pretty far out on snowmobiles from the looks of it. The surface was a thick slush, so I stayed off the lake.

Lake Jenny

I been growing a cold in my throat. One night on the road, I let loose Karaoke in my car. It was damn fun. But now I'm weak and my eyes feel puffy. I say it's good to develop my immune system before have to sleep outdoors every night. But it makes running a coughing and spitting affair, and I have to be careful not to turn the cold into a flu.

And stuff

Lake Jenny visitor center

Teton Park road

1 comment:

  1. Those Teets are beautiful. They remind me of my childhood. Even though I never saw them as a child.


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