Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Top Reasons to Get a Job

I attended my first class in 'Employment First', Colorado's Employment and Training program - one of the many federal requirements for receiving SNAP (food stamp) benefits.

In celebration, I have brainstormed several good real reasons to get a job.

Scumbag Steve

Jobs are for:

  • Lazy people who can't assign work to themselves.
"I'm just going to watch TV and grow my belly"

  • Unimaginative people who run other people's scams 'cause they can't figure out their own.
"Thank goodness I don't have to come up with these fakakta schemes.
My pyramid is all upside down."

  • Greedy people who can't live without money.
"But how will I spend money if I don't have any? And what will I put in my purse?"

  • Careless people who had kids.
"Once yer 18 ure out, y'here? You, and u, and yu too! All of you!"

  • Boring people who repeat the same tasks every day.
"Well, it passes the time. Slowly."

  • Conceited people who compete for titles and promotions.
"I'm a Level 11 'scientician'! - Uhh?"

  • Fussy people who want to sleep indoors. 
"I need this! And this! And this!"

  • Ugly people who can't marry someone rich.
"Some girls have all the luck."

  • Losers who didn't buy enough lottery tickets to win. 
"But I've got it all planned out how I'm going to spend my winnings!"

  • Nobodies who need an I.D. badge to define who they are.
"See? I do exist! No, wait, no don't lay me off! My job is my only identity!!"

  • Real people with normal lives.
"Pff they don't exist."


  1. Only reason I got a job is cuz there ain't enuf room for the family in the car.

  2. Y'all just need to stretch-limo-ize your car. Or maybe it's that diet ain't workin?


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