Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Reading Notes

The Science of Orgasm Barry Komisaruk Carlos Beyer-Flores Beverly Whipple
  1. ISBN 0-8018-8490-x

LOL her name is 'Whipple' it rhymes with 'nipple'. tee hee hee hee!

"The pelvic nerve provides the afferent (sensory) nerve supply of the vagina, cervix, rectum, and urinary bladder. Activation of this nerve can generate orgasm when stimulated vaginally, so it is not surprising that when activated nongenitally (e.g., rectally), the pelvic nerve can also generate orgasm in both women and men."

You can cum from getting fucked in the butt.

"In women, stimulating the rectum in addition to the clitoris, vagina, and cervix could add to the quality - complexity, intensity, and consequently pleasurableness - of orgasm."

Men telling women to take it in the butt.

"Activation of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus has been observed during orgasm (Komisaruk, Whipple, Crawford, et al., 2004)"

LOL how'd they do these tests!? What a great job.

"The sensory quality of orgasms differs in relation to the part of the sexual system that is stimulated. Vaginal stimulation-induced orgasm is described as involving the whole body, whereas clitoris-induced orgasm is more restricted to the region of the clitoris."

Yup. That's why jerking off is boring compared to putting yo dick into something. You want your orgasm to be a result of your entire body in motion to feel completely satisfied.

"One woman described her orgasms produced by cervical stimulation as a "shower of stars.""

LOL. What is the relevance of that revelation!??! and 'shower of stars', LOL. nice science publication, guys.

"For our research we employ a unique stimulator that consists of a stimulating rod attached to a diaphragm that covers the cervix. Women using this device tell us that when they pull outward with the stimulator, thus pulling on the diaphragm surrounding the base of the cervix, the outward motion produces a very pleasurable suction on the cervix that they have never experienced before."

LOL. First the idea of the experiment to have women masturbate and study them is hilarious. Second that they invented a 'scientific' device to measure orgasm pleasure is just as nerdly hilarious. Third, I'm imagine these two bottle-glasses men and a random woman scientist looking on at this naked, not-knowing-exactly-what-she-ought-to-be-doing housewife, lies on the gynocologist table using one hand to move this vibrator on a dildo on a stick in and out of her snatch while using 'shower of stars' terminology to explain her feelings. HA HA. At some point, let's just drop the whole pretext of science please!

Oh, also... See? Even women like 'getting their dick sucked'.

"The clitoris is supplied mainly by the pudendal nerve, the vagina mainly by the pelvic nerve, and the cervix mainly by the hypogastric, pelvic, and vagus nerves. While stimulating each of these regions by itself produce orgasms (of differing feelings), the combined stimulation of all three regions has an additive effect, producing more encompassing orgasms, or what is described as "blended orgasm"

LOL. I was faithfully following the science of the first sentence. But then they HAD to go off again on this Mantra silliness of 'blended orgasm'. Please, can we keep science and hippie feelings separated - at least not within in the same paragraph, please!

"sacral parasympathetic nerves are stimulated by oxytocin-containing neurons that originate in the brain - in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus - and project their axons, the nerve fibers that communicate with other neurons, down the spinal cord as far as the sacral level [pelvic region].

wikipedia oxytocin
"Social behavior[15][16] and wound healing: Oxytocin is also thought to modulate inflammation by decreasing certain cytokines. Thus, the increased release in oxytocin following positive social interactions has the potential to improve wound healing. A study by Marazziti and colleagues used heterosexual couples to investigate this possibility. They found increases in plasma oxytocin following a social interaction were correlated with faster wound healing. They hypothesized this was due to oxytocin reducing inflammation, thus allowing the wound to heal more quickly."

Marvin Gaye was onto something. Sexual healing, baby!

"Oxytocin - a "neurohormone" - can act both as a hormone, by its release into the bloodstream, from which it stimulates involuntary muscle contraction of the breast and uterus, and as a neurotransmitter, by its release within the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain), where it stimulates other neurons."

Sex hormone, supposedly.

"Oxytocin also functions as a neurotransmitter in the spinal cord in females, to dilate the pupils of the eyes. We do not understand the function, if any, of this pupil dilation, but it is a very distinct response in women during vaginal self-stimulation leading to orgasm. Pupil dilation is known to be an indicator of strong arousal and interest in humans."

It's so I can see into the soul of a woman when I am fucking her. And it's why it's so important to look into my eyes when I'm getting head.

"We also know that in rats, the female's pupils dilate dramatically when the male rat ejaculates into her during mating."

I couldn't read that sentence without laughing out loud.

"Erection is normally short-lived, because an enyzme in the penis, phosphodiesterase-5 (the suffix -ase denotes "enzyme"), breaks down the cAMP and the cGMP, thereby inactivating them. Pharmacological blocking of the phosphodiesterase activity prolongs the action of the two nucleotides, intensifying and prolonging the smooth muscle relaxation and hence the erection. This is the mechanism of action of sildenafil and chemically related erection enhancers, known by the trade names Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra."

I can't tell what audience these writers are writing to. It's lengthy chemical names and explanations interspersed with Mantra, and just baffling low level explanations. Like why would you feel the need to explain what an -ase enzyme is, if you're already talking about nucleotides and peptides, etc. It's basic science I would already know, but if I didn't - if I wasn't a science person who knows, why would I care??  LOL.

Also, fuck those phosphodiesterases. And now you know how Viagra works.

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