Saturday, March 26, 2016

My Own Little World

I haven't done a 'diary in pictures' post in a while. I have all these friends that haven't found a place yet. So let me introduce you... to my little world. 

Great doo-dad for the workplace!

Forgot to bring a mirror to shave my head, so I used my phone. Resourcefulness + Level Up!
Also, I'm ready for prison.

I think I found where the Stonecutters hold their meetings. Two campus police officers entered the church basement at 1:15 AM on a weekday night. Their vehicles can be seen parked outside.

A urinal in a bathroom stall... LOL, OK....

Is that... Adele... on skis?

I found Elsa. Crossed her legs and sat her up there. She's a queen.

Laser light is dangerous. It's a good thing we have tin foil - o wait...

This all natural milk tasted like cum. Not sure if all organic milk does, or if just this farmer's.

This Flood Monster is awesome!

Mmm kay.

Nooooooo it's already too late. 'Now' has already passed. Oh well, guess I don't have to do anything then.

Good to know.

LOL the SYNERGY house. I bet all the students in that frat house are majoring in 'Innovation'.

LOL. I love nerds and their ridiculously excessive knowledge.

USA! USA! USA! We're #1!

LOL the colloquium ratings are hilarious. This entire post is Rated XXX, for pointlessness!

Depression Glass Club... it isn't at all what I thought it was.

'We collect colored glass to relieve our Depression.'
Nope, way off.
Wouldn't it be cool if you were a construction worker and built a Center for the Arts? Until watching the workers come up to this place day by day, I never really thought about how even the biggest buildings, there had to be some guy who placed the bricks.

SORRY I'm. Getting. In. Your. Way. LOL. love it!

Tire fort, to ward off French invaders: 'Iyw niyw. Zey have les tires. Jean-Pierre Lussac let us giyw hyome.'

This sweet bird.

a fat bee that you can't really see, but is red in the butt. (trust me!)

and last of all, kitteh and me.

(bet you can't tell which one is me! everyone says we look alike. not really, but humor me - please?)

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