Sunday, March 20, 2016

Free Labor

Did my forced volunteering today (food stamp requirement). I chose to put in my 8 hours at the swanky Goodwill that first impressed me months ago when I arrived in Colorado Springs.

I like unpaid work. I set my own hours, and show up whenever I like. No need to call in advance with the store or be on time. Like I said, I work whenever want. I can also work as hard as I want, knowing I don't have to show up the next day and do it all over again.

I made e'rthang look nice. One gentleman browsing through my section of merchandise commented how neat and clean e'rthang was. "Knock my socks off," he said. Naturally, I took all the credit. All me.

A friendly employee showed me how the frames were to be arranged, another darling young lady instructed me on the books. 'I got this,' I said to Ulix in my head. What do you think?

Literacy Tomes

Children's books are an assortment of wonders. They are like two pages thick so there's hundreds of oddly shaped leaflets that get tossed out of whack. Little books get jammed into bigger books. Some books are fat and wide, some are tall and skinny. Makes it really hard to get their spines lined up to the edge of the shelves.

Why children should not read

Because children's books are the most difficult to straighten, I have concluded that children should not read books. They ought to wait until they can read paperbacks and behave like the rest of us.

They shouldn't make books for children
Let them read books of regulation size and shape!

1 comment:

  1. Dang man them shelves be as straight as Euclid himself. All that Tetris payed off.


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