Thursday, October 29, 2015

Who are the rich spoiled non-celebrities who sit courtside at basketball games?

Who are the rich spoiled non-celebrities who sit courtside at basketball games?

"I was not a basketball fan before it. When I was offerred to sit courtside for the first time, I had not been to any basketball games previously.

What game was it?

2006. Phoenix Suns vs Los Angeles Lakers, the playoffs.

Kobe was in his prime. Steve Nash and Stoudemire were running the pick and roll all day long. What does this mean to me?

Nothing. I sat on my phone and texted friends, a lot.

I got ridicule from friends for being seen on television on my phone during this playoff game. I just wasn't a basketball fan.

Now, I have received around 15 more opportunities to sit courtside at Phoenix Suns games and I have really grown to appreciate it. A lot of the people there are classless, just using their rich dad's business partner's tickets. That being said, it is still a blast with friends sitting in the best seats that the NBA has to offer.

Here are a few highlights:

Having Steve Nash give me a high-five and telling me I have huge feet.
Telling Amare Stoudemire he needs to step it up for my Fantasy team because he has been playing terribly.
Giving good friends an awesome opportunity that they wouldn't otherwise have by bringing them along to the game.

Written 6 Mar, 2012. 420 views.

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