Thursday, October 29, 2015



misunderstanding what is said by taking its literal meaning and missing the point entirely, thinking what was meant was the opposite of its actual meaning.

Beetle Bailey has many examples of irony

External quote:
 * Manasvinion December 15, 2010 11:11 am

And is ironic synonymous with sarcastic? (dictionaries seem to think so)
I once read a Beetle Bailey Cartoon strip that really got irony “clear” to me
I couldn’t find a link to the exact strip I have in mind, but here’s the gist:

Sarge (looking at Zero’s crumpled shirt): That’s we very well pressed shirt you have on there!
Zero, the company simpleton (looking at his shirt): Looks crumpled to me!
Sarge: You don’t understand irony do you??
Next panel has Zero busy ironing his shirt, saying “I’ll show how who doesn’t understand irony!"

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