Thursday, October 29, 2015

Be Brave, Writer!

"Be brave. Assume your reader is intelligent and he will be flattered."

This is what I told a non-native English speaker while I was helping him revise his story. He wanted help checking his grammar, conventional use of words, etc.

Here's the sentence we were working on. Below that is our conversation. He is Q and I am A.

Original sentence: "A police officer passed by as I was about to give my pin numbers to a scam artist who had tricked me."

Suggested revision: "A police officer passed by as I was about to give my pin numbers to a scam artist."

A: You don't need "who tricked me". It's obvious because you already said hes a scam artist and you're giving him numbers.

Q: I guess I was scared of the reader not interpreting that I was being tricked into giving the pin numbers and I wasn't just giving them out willfully.

A: be brave. assume your reader is intelligent and he will be flattered

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