Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The 3 pm project

Ever wonder about what other people are doing at this very moment?
Ever feel exciting fun times are had by everyone else unbeknownst to you, and you're missing out on life?

Ever had a beautiful afternoon and wished you could do eight different things, but could only pick one?

What if you could freeze time and see the entire city, what everyone was doing at once. What if instead of experiencing a single activity for a few hours, you could be in every place in the city at a single moment in time?

That's the concept of the 3pm project. At 3pm participants in the city step outside and post a picture of what they see.

Whatever city scene or event happens to catch their attention, wherever they are and tag their exact location. A little league game, a park statue, a fender bender, a windy cafe terrace, etc. Preferably public views that encompass a location in the city.

The images are assembled together to create a virtual walk of the city for one instant. You see the city as it is from the simultaneous perspectives of people across all locations.

Why 3 pm? It's my favorite time of day. If I can choose one time of day to remain fixed, its then because the sun's rays bathe the city in gold.

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