Thursday, October 29, 2015

Reason for Leaving Past Employment

"Why did you leave so many jobs?"

"You, as an employer, can find someone to replace me if I leave. Someone else will take my place.

But if I don't look out there for what I need, nothing will come to me to take its place."

"What is it you need?"
"Intention. Purpose. Use of my abilities."

"Why isn't doing your job and performing to the best of your ability satisfaction enough for you? Why have none of these previous jobs good enough in your view?"

"Because I intend to accomplish what hasn't been done before, and no existing establishment can accommodate that. I need to be in constant forward motion, to be on a train. Never repeating the same route over a small patch of land. I need to extend beyond what is repeatable. All establishments require repetition, constancy, conservation of what it establishes. I abhor participating in conservation. I need transmutation. Evolution. Transcendent thought and action."

"You have to work with goals that are realistic and concrete to achieve progress.

You say you want to change the world, but what good is changing the world if your world is ever changing and defies interaction. What if you went to the bank today and they decided the way your atm card works wasn't good enough and they changed the process so you couldn't withdraw cash? What if you went to the store and found out you couldn't buy anything because the way we trade has evolved so the cash in your pocket became obsolete?

How will you employ the new if you are never willing to accept what has already been done. What use is it to do a different way each time for the novelty?"

"That example is a bit drastic. I don't think nobody should do that, but I just can't stand being part of holders and not one of the movers."

"I'm sure many people, not just you, would prefer to be constantly engaged in something exciting and innovative, but look how many people around you are engaging themselves in something that is boring, or repetitive, or uncreative because those things are necessary for society to function.

Why do you feel you're the only one who feels that way and has to have such an exciting, interesting job? Why do other people find ways to add some life into the workplace when they know their work day in and day out hardly changes?"

"Because I am not as adjusted as they are to their environment to satisfy their needs through tolerance and minor embellishment. I'm not singular in having needs, but the extent to which those needs affect us and how much our environment meets those needs for us varies on an individual basis.

My situation differs from theirs, and there's no conclusive comparison that can be objectively made to assess whose situation deserves their needs to be met more. The only fair status quo is to expect the same of everyone regardless of their situation.

But that equality fails when a disability or impossibility arises that no person faced with that particular situation would be able to meet expectation. So we must make special circumstances for people who are different to enough extent. But with that loophole comes another tangle of complications. Who decides, and what should be worth giving special treatment?

Clearly human nature encourages us to think of ourselves as worthy and special, so consequently we tend to promote our own interests in our model of fairness. Corruption and privilege extends those benign tendencies towards intentionally unfair and self-justifiably preferential treatment to the wealthy and powerful.

So the only arguable case with the fairness and equality principle is to decide that my condition is in your eyes not favorable enough to deserve recognition. Denying knowledge that my condition exists is route to bypass this, to believe that the condition is fictional, by intentional or otherwise, that no such difference is present.

So the justification is, no your condition is not real therefore you do not deserve any differential treatment. Saying, no everybody goes through that it's no excuse can be a hybrid method of denial of its existence and disregarding it warrants exception. Or you can flatly assert that the condition is real but because I do not experience it myself I am unsympathetic the way it affects other people and choose not to give those people allowances for their differences."

"Well that's the way the world works, whether I like it or not, I have to participate in it. I try to do what's right whenever I can but we cannot refuse to fight if we don't win every battle. That's selfish and that won't do anything to change things."

"Making mistakes is forgivable and morally inculpable. But promoting the wrong values with sufficient awareness and intention, for the sake of one's own self, so that one may promote the other values that one favors is not a morally sound argument. That's like saying, supporting governments that slaughter ethnic populations is bad but I'll make a lot of money off it so I can rescue baby seals which is good, you can't win them all, that makes it's okay. It's once again acting not on principle, but on self interest."

"What's wrong with taking care of myself and my family and people that I love and those who care about me? That's the moral and responsible thing to do!"

"Nothing says you have to violate other people's well-being to accomplish those goals! If you are selling poison and harming others so your family can prosper, you are not a responsible person, no matter how much you love your children, worship God, donate to charity, or provide for your family!

So much of doing good is atonement for the subconscious guilt we feel for the injustice we subconsciously are aware that we are accomplices in. Why would we need to do good for other people if the world was fair and everyone was capable of providing for their family and ensuring their well-being.

It's the desire of giving back to seize the opportunity through preferential treatment, artificial advantages, unfairness, and then allotting to those you see as similar to yourself in ways you appreciate a smaller portion of the well-being you denied to those you don't find likable."

"Your attitude won't help you move forward, if you always have such a pessimistic view of people. How will something good ever happen, if you continually find fault in even the most charitable of actions? Even if it does, how will you know your feelings about it are truth and not distortions of your own pessimism."

"Which direction is forward in a three-dimensional space, with no moral front or back to a person? What you're describing aren't morals, your good and bad are self-serving notions, that have no logical foundation so that by your thought system, actually there is no common good or bad possible. Everything is self-subjective, and so it is actually impossible to have anything good or bad ever happen. Either something beneficial to you happens, or something detrimental to you within a range around the inconsequential.

So you're basically advocating, do what is best for you. And that is exactly what I'm trying to do. So I can see no grounds for you to fault me on wanting what other people tolerate being denied."

"That's what I've been telling you all along. Greed is good. Morality dictates Capitalism. Now that you understand, I can reveal myself to you in my true form. I am Satan himself, wreathed in hell flames and clothed with brimstone. MWAHAHAHAHA"

"K nerd. I'm outa here byeeeeeeee."

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