Friday, November 4, 2016

Story: Customer Service

"In retail, people complain because they can" - Waffles

Scene: A gas station convenience mart.

Customer: I'm telling you, there's something wrong with the way this coffee tastes. Well, can't you do anything to fix it? Won't you even taste the coffee to see?

Jay: Ma'am, I had three cups of this coffee today already and don't want another sip. I taste it too so I understand what you're saying. But I don't decide which beans to buy or which machine to use, the manager - my boss - decides all that. I've brought it to his attention before, but he doesn't want to do fix anything.

I've cleaned the machines and brewed with fresh beans, but whatever the taste is, it's still there so there's nothing else I can do.

Jay: All I can offer you is a refund on your money or if you'd like to wait a few minutes I'll brew you another pot. So what will it be? Refund or another cup?

Customer: I just want a coffee that tastes good.

Jay: All we got here is this coffee. If you want better coffee there's a Starbucks right across the street. There's also Dunkin Donut's around the corner.

Customer: Yeah right! Five dollars for a cup of coffee, like I'm going to pay that for a stupid drink.

Jay: Can't help you there. If I knew a way to help you make more money, I wouldn't be here, would I?

You have a nice day.

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