Sunday, November 15, 2015

People Pretend Not to Notice Unconventional Behavior

some guy honked as he drove by and yelled. 'WOW you jump really high!' I thought to myself, why did that guy yell to me, what a weirdo. LOL.

I love doing childlike things like skipping.

For a couple of years, I'd jump to touch the highest tree branches I could reach while walking along the street. I'm also surprised how little attention it drew. Like people are focused only on themselves, or just ignore anything that is unconventional, and pretend like nothing is happening.

Only one time, some guy honked as he drove by and yelled. 'WOW you jump really high!' I thought to myself, why did that guy yell to me, what a weirdo. LOL.

Same thing with the homeless guy in the subway who looks crazy and thinks his thoughts aloud. Everybody can hear him and everyone pretends that they don't, 'cause they assume he's drunk and don't want to do anything to acknowledge the existence of the crazy guy so as to draw his attention.

I started singing while waiting for subway trains, and in mostly empty passenger cars. People could hear me but treated me the same way as they did a crazy drunk. In return, I just ignored them and kept singing.

There's got to be at least one 'crazy subway drunk' who isn't at all, but just doesn't give a fuck and has conscientiously moved beyond pretending the way normal people do. Speaks his mind, says whatever pleases him, knowing nobody is willing to risk their normalcy to react.

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