Saturday, July 16th
San Diego, CA
University of California San Diego
Morning camp. Fitness trail inside UCSD campus.
Heh. I got a kick out of making it through the night inside campus without getting kicked out. One guy walked past at 11pm when I was setting up my hammock, but I didn't see anyone else the entire night. Rolled out at 6 am.
When you're bicycling for a long time, what do you do Jonathan? Don't you get bored?
Well... an active imagination, stupidity, and being easily self-amused work in my favor! This is what I do on long rides: talk to myself and improvise songs.
Here's a song I call Stiff Hill:
Stiff Hill
Bee Kay La NeighYou make me so hot.I sweat and I thirst to climb on top.La Neigh Bee KayI ride you hard and long.When I go down, this is my favorite song.
Turn headlights on
How I feel bicycling after the buffet
Are we there yet to roadrunner university?
Real travel tips and experiences
You went the wrong way. Y u no tell me this no more, GPS lady?
Deep thoughts
i like handicap people. not because they are hardworking productive members of our society despite the tough challenges they must overcome every day. because when there's no place to lock up my bicycle, there's always a handicap parking sign pole to use.
Putting a $250 minimum fine for misuse of the handicap spot seems ineffective to me. It's not so much that people without permits abuse the spots. It's that pretty much anyone can get a permit. For being fat, or old, or hard of vision.
Nice camp